
The classic game of Wiper is all about getting rid of the tiles by tapping those with the same color next to them.

Sounds easy, right?

That's because Wiper is easy to learn, but nevertheless a challenge to master!

And addictive too!

The more tiles you wipe away in one go, the more points you'll get.

If you manage to eliminate a color completely, or even clear the whole board, you'll get lots of bonus points, and a chance to become the world's #1 Wiper player!
World high score: 16100
  Players right now: 0
Players last 24h: 0
Players last week: 0
Wipers installed: 7430
Ranking in Norwegian App Store: ?
Days since release: 3761
Rounds played: 4047099
Most rounds on one device: 175097
#2: 16050
#3: 15790
#4: 15770
#5: 15660
#6: 15510
#7: 15490
#8: 15490
#9: 15460
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